The album Julio Iglesias „1 „comes out this November in various countries
November 9, 2011
The new album from Julio Iglesias, „1”, will be available this November in various countries.
Today, November 9th, is the launch in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.
– November 14th: Portugal;
– November 21st: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama;
– November 22nd: Spain, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela.
The album brings together songs the singer has re-recorded, from his career experience of more than four decades and taking advantage of new sound technologies. The difference between his first songs and the re-recorded ones on the album 1 is the first that stands out. The singer has dedicated the last three years to his new project.
Julio Iglesias: „This album is mainly dedicated to all the anonymous people, who for 43 years have generously been following me with affection and have let me keep on singing. They’ll always be the great driver of my career.”
Julio Iglesias „1” – Platinum Record in Brazil
October 20, 2011
Julio Iglesias, the foreign singer who has sold the most records in Brazil, has come back to the country to present his new albulm „1”, volume 1. With 40,000 records sold in a short time, this new work has already brought him a Platinum Record, awarded to him last October 17th in Rio de Janeiro by Marcelo Soares, the CEO of Som Livre, the company that launched the CD in collaboration with Sony on June 30th.
Currently, the Spanish singer is preparing his upcoming concerts in Brazil: Porto Alegre – October 20th,Florianopolis – October 22th, Olinda (Pernambuco) – October 28th and Joao Pessoa – October 29th. Iglesias has already toured through Sao Paulo, Brasilia, Curitiba and Rio de Janeiro.
July 12, 2011
Som Livre / Sony Music
This album brings together the hits from the greatest singer of love songs, re-recorded by the singer himself and with three new versions.
⃰ The album is now on sale in Brasil. To buy it online (deliveries only in Brazil),
The Latin singer with the most records sold in the world and being the non-Brazilian who has sold the most albums in Brasil, Julio Iglesias has put together the greatest romantic hits of his 43-year musical career path in the CD Julio Iglesias „1” – Volume 1, launched this month in Brasil, by Som Livre in coloboration with Sony. There are re-recordings of classics such as „Manuela” and new versions of songs, like „Eu Nunca Te Esqueci (Always On My Mind)” (Wayne Carson/ Mark James/ John Lee Christopher Jr. – Vs. Fernando Adour), which will appear on the soundtrack of the soap opera ‘O Astro’. According to the Spanish singer, his new work is „a record that came about from a desire to sing the songs that most exemplify my career better”.
New versions of „Eu Nunca Te Esqueci (Always On My Mind)” (Wayne Carson/ Mark James/ John Lee Christopher Jr. – Vs. Fernando Adour), „Me Esqueci de Viver (J´ai Oublié de Vivre)” (Jacques Revaux/ Pierre Billion/ Julio Iglesias – Vs. Fernando Adour) and „Un Canto a Galicia” (Julio Iglesias/ B. Lauret Media – Vs. Julio Iglesias) open the the album. The repertoire of Julio Iglesias „1” – Volume 1 (Brasil) also includes hits sunch as „Manuela” (Manuel Álvarez Beigbeder Pérez/ Ana Magdalena), from the album A Flor de Piel (1974); „Devaneios (O me quieres, o me dejas)” (Luis Gardey – Vs. Fernando Adour), from the album De Niña a Mujer (1981); „Hey” (Julio Iglesias / Giovanni Belfiore/ Mario Balducci/ Ramón Arcusa Vs. Fernando Adour), from Hey! (1980); the duet „My Love” (Stevie Wonder), with Stevie Wonder, originally launched in 1988; and „El día que me quieras” (Carlos Gardel/ Alfredo Le Pera), from Tango (1996), among many others.
Throughout his long career, Julio Iglesias has recorded in twelve languages, sold more than 300 million albums, won awards such as the Grammy, had a star dedicated to him on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame, performed in more than 700 cities around the entire world, and in February 2010, he received the Gold Medal in Fine Arts from the Government of Spain.
Julio Iglesias has had a relationship with Brazil for a long time. Since 1975, he launched 17 CDs aimed at Brazilian fans. „My relationship with Brazil is for life. It was love at first sight. After getting to know the country, I then knew it would be in my heart forever”.
1) EU NUNCA TE ESQUECI (ALWAYS ON MY MIND) (Wayne Carson/ Mark James/ John Lee Christopher Jr. – Vs. Fernando Adour)
2) ME ESQUECI DE VIVER (J’AI OUBLIE DE VIVRE) (Jacques Revaux/ Pierre Billion/ Julio Iglesias – Vs. Fernando Adour)
3) UN CANTO A GALICIA (UN CANTO A GALICIA) (Julio Iglesias/ B. Lauret Media – Vs. Julio Iglesias)
4) DIZEM QUE OS HOMENS NÃO DEVEM CHORAR (LOS HOMBRES NO DEBEN LLORAR) (Palmeira/ Mario Zan – Vs. Pépe Ávila/ Fernando Adour)
5) DEVANEIOS (O ME QUIERES, O ME DEJAS) (Luis Gardey – Vs. Fernando Adour)
6) MANUELA (Manuel Álvarez Beigbeder Perez/ Ana Magdalena)
7) EL DÍA QUE ME QUIERAS (Carlos Gardel/ Alfredo Le Pera)
8) CORAÇÃO APAIXONADO (Fernando Adour/ Ricardo Magno)
9) HEY (HEY) (Julio Iglesias / Giovanni Belfiore/ Mario Balducci/ Ramon Arcusa – Vs. Fernando Adour)
10) ÀS VEZES TU, ÀS VEZES EU (A VECES TU, A VECES YO) (Julio Iglesias/ Evangelina Sobredo Galanes – Vs. Fernando Adour)
11) SÓ VOCÊ VAI ME FAZER FELIZ (CAN’T HELP FALLING IN LOVE) (Luigi Creatore / George Weiss / Hugo Peretti – Vs. Aloysio Reis / Fernando Adour)
12) CORAZÓN PARTÍO (Alejandro Sanz)
13) MY LOVE (Stevie Wonder) Duet with Stevie Wonder
14) UNO (Marianito Mores / E. S. Discepolo)
15) WHEN I NEED YOU (Albert Louis Hammond / Carole Bayer Sager)EndFragment
January 26, 2011
Diario Clarín
Free concerts are already the greatest phenomenon of the season. This time it was Julio Iglesias who put down his name for one of the biggest get-togethers of summer. According to official reports, around 180,000 people came around to the Las Toscas de Mar del Plata resort, where the Spaniard went through a repertoire with elegance and grace, full of classics including “La carretera”, “Me va”, “La gota fría” and “Nathalie”.
Julio Iglesias triumphs in Lucena (Cordoba, Spain)
August 13, 2011
More than 8,000 fans surrender to the voice and lyrics of the eternal ‘knave’
During a night of shooting stars and an unbroken white moon, granting the wish that is in one of his songs, the singer Julio Iglesias touched the hearts and emotions of more than 8,000 followers in Lucena (Córdoba) who quivered with the melodic voice and the popular lyrics of the ‘eternal knave’.
Just about to turn 68, he continues to be a heartthrob and a compulsive flirt. He proves it each minute that he uniquely shines onstage and with inimitable sparkle.
He couldn’t disappoint during his only concert in Andalucia, he couldn’t leave his followers who came from all over Spain and stayed camped outside the Stadium wanting more and so he offered the best of his repertoire, which is alot.
Julio preferred starting calmly with „Quijote”, a symbol of his concert dedicated to love, unhurriedness, serenity, and to nighttime contemplation under the full moon.
Chatting with his audience throughout, in order to reminisce about his parents, his mixed Galician and Andalusian background, thanking his fans for their loyalty or joking about his age, all served as introductions for hits such as „Un canto a Galicia”, „Manuela”, „A media luz” or „La carretera”.
The world-famous latino singer didn’t want to leave behind such classics as „Agua dulce” or „Mal acostumbrado”, sung along by fans devoted to their hugely popular music idol who had been discovered in 1968 at the Benidorm International Song Festival with „La vida sigue igual”, the first of his hits and which couldn’t be left missing from this summer night.
Done all up as a dandy, with his classic black suit jacket, he went through his 40 year musical career getting caught up with love a number of times with „Natalie” and „Manuela” and in key reflections with „Me olvidé de vivir”.
Reaching midnight, Iglesias bid farewell to his audience after living an unforgettable night, like a mid-summer’s night dream, indeed, which he will live this Sunday in Gandia (Valencia) and in Ávila on the 20th.
Julio Iglesias, King and Queen of Malaysia inaugurate the largest mall in Kuala Lumpur
December 7, 2011
JI, Tan Sri Dato’ (Dr.) Francis Yeoh, Managing Director of YTL Corporation Berhad and the King and Queen of Malaysia
On December 2nd in Kuala Lumpur, Julio Iglesias reopened with the King and Queen of Malaysia the largest mall in the city, Star Hill Gallery. It reopened its doors after renovations, to become the greatest attraction on the main street of the city, Bintang Walk.
The Spanish artist performed a concert for this occasion.
The day before, also in Kuala Lumpur, Julio offered a free concert in this same street.
Gandia surrenders to Julio Iglesias
August 15, 2011
By: Zoa Sanz, Las Provincias
The ” Madrileño” did not disappoint and dazzled a devoted audience with songs from throughout his life and a few new ones
„Returning to your home is a privilege” the singer declared to 7,000 people
Julio Iglesias demonstrated that he continues to be unique. A living legend. With a few more years, but the same as always. The singer, sporting his standard tan, walked on stage with an elegant black suit, white shirt and a jet-black tie. Quite the dandy. He was welcomed by a torrent of applause. Microphone in hand, he addressed around 7,000 people last night who packed the plaza in the Puerto de Gandia, in order to express the love he feels for Spain. „Good evening Gandia! Coming back to my country is the greatest, and you all let me come home, and that is always a privilege” he said smiling and as the first applauses began to break out and staunch fans shouted „Julio!, Julio!”
He was only ten minutes behind schedule, but it didn’t matter, nobody had lost patience. When he turned up, the clock stopped for all the audience members, who re-lived times gone-by with the song ‘Quijote’, chosen by the international singer to open the only concert to be given in Valencia Province during his world tour while going through Spain. Later he sang „Ni te tengo, ni te olvido” and right after charmed the audience with the song ‘Nathalie’.
Julio Iglesias shined like the star that he is, in an incomparable backdrop: the Port of Gandia, just beside the calm sea and all the lit-up staging. Good weather accompanied him. Julio Iglesias gave the best of himself during the show and thanks to his comments between songs managed to get that sought-after chemistry that every singer yearns from the audience. Not only did his fans come from the area of la Safor but from different parts of Valencia and adjoining provinces as well. The occasion was worth it in spite of heavy traffic on the roads to the beach from 8:30 pm onwards, as the concert began at 11 pm.
During the approximate two hours that the concert lasted, Iglesias „let himself be loved”. ‘De niña a mujer’, ‘Agua dulce, agua salá’, ‘Un canto a Galicia’, ‘Me olvidé de vivir’, ‘La carretera’ or ‘Manuela’ were enthusiastically sung-along to by his fans. A long time had gone by since the singer last sang these hits in festivals or concerts. In spite of that, yesterday he showed that they continue to be remembered and very alive in the memory of the most nostalgic audience.
The fact is that this concert was as very special for Julio Iglesias as for the attendees, and it was held in Valencian territory, at the International Benidorm Song festival, where Iglesias was discovered in 1968 for having won the contest with ‘La vida sigue igual’. Taking part catapulted him into stardom, converting him into one of the most international Spanish singers. To date he has sold 350 million albums all around the world.
Julio Iglesias triumphs in Barcelona after 10 year absence
May 20, 2011
The singer turned up for a sold-out Theatre concert, to perform some of the greatest hits of his extensive career, as part of the new stage of his ´Starry Night´ world tour.
When singing with Isabel Pantoja some years ago, the Gran Teatro del Liceo in the Spanish city of Barcelona was turned into a musical shrine for one night, and the Barcelona venue once again has been the stage where Julia Iglesias made an old dream come true, by performing some of his best repertoire in front of devoted fans.
After more than 40 years in his career, the most internationally recognized Spanish singer made his debut that night in a place he describes as „sacred”, and even allowed him, being the Real Madrid fan that he is, to wish Barcelona the best during their next international games and to ask after Xavi and Piqué, two of the players, among applause and cheers of approval.
Meanwhile, in the nearby Plaza de Cataluña in the heart of Barcelona, with one hour to go before the concert, thousands of people stood around outside in front of the Theatre, a steady stream of people were turning up, some all dressed up, in order to hear the Spanish singer with the most albums ever sold.
Only one minute had gone by after 9 p.m, when the lights went off, and half-a-dozen musicians came one stage and chords and applauses were heard in unison.
Julio Iglesias, dressed in a white shirt, dark suit and matching tie, came out after onthe stage, and didn’t leave until nearly two hours later.
The screaming and shouting of his many fans were not long in coming and he answered them by saying „Bona nit Cataluña!” and „Buenas noches Barcelona!”, while recalling that his father always used to say that in this land they love him a lot. „Sí!”, roared the orchestra and the several galleries in the Theatre.
„Quijote” and „Ni te tengo” were used as openers, before going on to sing „Nathalie”, interrupted in the middle by the audience’s applause.
With the audience singing along, Julio then went on to the tango „A media luz” and after starting the first lyrics, a dancing couple performed an exact choreography to the „most moving and beautiful” music made in Latin America.
„Échame a mi la culpa” came next, performed together with 3 back-up singers who accompanied him on other songs, the fans sang softly along, the same as with „Un canto a Galicia”, which brought back a memory of his late father.
With all the theatre first singing „Me olvidé de vivir”, Julio Iglesias later tackled „Mammy Blue” in French, while everyone clapped along. „Barcelona sings beautifully!”, he asserted.
He went on to sing „Manuela”, another of his best known singles, while the fans kept singing, just like with „De niña a mujer”.
Sitting down, he performed „El amor”, with a thunderous „Bravo!” at the end. After that, he sang „Cumparsita”, with the dance-couple who came back on stage.
On his first night at the Gran Teatro del Liceo he also performed „Divorcio” and remembered his friend Luciano Pavarotti, who appeared on that stage on numerous occasions, and he dedicated „Caruso” to him, in Italian.
Without hiding the fact that he’ll turn 68 in September, the singer commented that he was surprised with what happened every single day, „just like being able to sing the prettiest place of Barcelona”.
Deeply affected he finished with „La vida sigue igual”, the first song he wrote, and among the silence of his fans he took on two other of his emblematic songs, „Abrázame” and „Hey!”.
At this recital, „the biggest love song of History” wasn’t off the list either, and in his words, „Ne me quitte pas”, by Brel, just like „Crazy”, „Soy un truhán, soy un señor”, „Always on My Mind”, „Agua dulce, agua salá”, „Me va, me va” and „Can”t Help Falling in Love”.
After more than one hour and a half singing, kneeling down he gave thanks to Barcelona, with all the theatre applauding him and chanting „Julio”, „Julio”, „Julio”.
Coming back on he performed again, „Me va, me va”, „Échame a mi la culpa” and „Agua dulce, agua salá”. He concluded by saying, „Farewell Catalonia!”
Julio Iglesias goes out with a bang in Moscow
June 2, 2011
The Voice of Russia
Julio gave a concert in Moscow, yesterday night and will give another one today, June 2nd.
“I love Russia”, the singer said when he came out on stage to a full house. Iglesias sang 30 songs, including his unfading hits “Nathalie” and tangos.
At the end of the two-hour concert, he kneeled down and thanked the audience in Russian.
Julio Iglesias promises his kids will marry Russian girls
June 3, 2011
The legendery Spanish singer Julio Iglesias travelled to Moscow to hold several concerts (June 1 and 2 at Krokus City Hall), and also had time to attend a round of charity events. A correspondant from the newspaper „Trud” was there when the distinguished guest turned up at the Filatov Children’s Hospital, where he donated various medical supplies.
The Spanish singer is known around the world not only as a music celebrity, but also as a great benefactor. The singer was made aware of the needs of the nº 10 Moscow Municipal Hospital Children’s Clinic by his Russian friend, the actress Elena Sever. Although he had barely slept during the previous night flight to Moscow, which was long delayed and hadn’t landed in the Russian capital until dawn, the celebrity guest did not cancel his planned visit with the sick children.
The kids had to wait for him for quite a while: the singer arrived late due to the delayed flight, but later his meeting was one of the most positive and pleasant. He didn’t even need interpreting services, despite many of the Moscovite kids not being able to speak English, nor Spanish. With smiles and gestures he was able to say it all, and at the end even managing to tell jokes. When saying farewell, he told the cute little girls around him to „Hurry and grow up fast, so you can meet my boys and that they marry you!”.
Julio Iglesias receives two historic awards from the hands of Rafael Nadal
December 17, 2011
Julio Iglesias received yesterday, at the Cervantes Institute in Madrid, two historic awards: the Latin artist who has sold more albums in history (300 million) and the artist who has sold more albums in Spain (23 million).
Both awards were given to him by Rafa Nadal in a very emotional ceremony.
Julio Iglesias: „Undoubtedly, this is the most important day of my career. It is the one that moves me, most deeply moves me. I am also very moved that my fatherand my mother are not here, as they are the very direct cause of this effort and of the passion that they gave me for life”.
Rafa’s words about Julio were very emotional: „Julio can win the hearts of everyone in the world. I can attest to that, because, wherever I go, whether dining in Japan or in the USA, at some point one of his songs is playing. I admire him not only for his music, but also for his desire to excel, because even after a lifetime of achievements, he keeps going forward. Julio is the person who called me in my most difficult moments, and he took a plane to sing at the presentation of my Foundation. It is an honor and also a great decision by my country to honor him today”.
Julio said he was „grateful to the critics, to friends and to the people who, anywhere in the world, have bothered to go to a store or to a concert. „And he added: „Tomorrow I will believe it has all been a dream.”